Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Onions, jellybeans and puppydogs

I've really not had very many cravings...until recently. Now, I can't get enough salt & vinegar chips. I'm obsessed, thanks to Courtney. The Utz are my favorite brand, but I also love the baked ones in the dark green bag. Yea, I love them. And jellybeans. Again, thanks to Courtney, I'm hooked. Finally, and most weirdly, onions. What on earth? I like onions, I really like them cooked, but the past few days, I've been putting raw onions on everything. I made a huge bowl of guacamole (yes, that's all I had for dinner, and it was fantastic) and put a half an onion in it. Which was probably about 3 times as much as any normal person would have put in it. However, I thought it was amazing and I was very happy with the outcome. 

In other news, Sadie is the most irritating dog ever. She just stands around and stares at me. All the time. Sometimes she paws at me, which is almost more annoying. I know I'm just being hormonal but seriously, she needs to stop staring at me. And when she's hungry, not only does she paw at her bowl until we fill it, but she stands on the base of the floor lamp next to her bowl and rocks it. Sometimes, if that's not enough, she'll knock it with her nose, which almost knocks it over. What a brat. Good thing she's so cute:

In other news, my belly continues to grow. I'm still in that stage where I just feel fat rather than pregnant - and I know that's what every stranger thinks too. Whenever I'm out, I have the urge to just announce to everyone in the building that I am indeed pregnant, stop staring, I promise there's a baby in there, not just fat. Yes, this is absurd, as I'm sure no one even notices, but I do, and I feel like the world watches me. I'm really looking forward to getting a big baby bump just so that I really look pregnant, all the time. It'll be nice :) 

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