Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's facebook official :) (and my first ultrasound!)

Well it's official - FACEBOOK official. Yayy! 

And even more exciting than that is 

Seeing my sweet jellybean's heartbeat was so amazing. I've been insanely nervous about this ultrasound. So many girls in my BabyBump forum were reporting miscarriages after their first US (ultrasound) so I have been really anxious about finding an empty sac or see a baby with no heartbeat. But my little one was super active, doing somersaults and waving it's hands and kicking it's feet and the little flicker of a heartbeat was going strong (heartbeat was 150 - old wives tale says well as all the other old wives tales...guess we'll find out soon enough)! We listened for a few seconds and got the typical galloping horses sound (which by the way is so much cooler when it's your own baby than when it's someone else's). Jonathon was so quiet - he sat and stared at the screen. The doctor and I chatted the whole time but he was 100% silent - shock? excitement? Who knows. But he definitely beat me to posting the official announcement on facebook - before the doctor had even left the room, he had posted it and already gotten one "like"!

Here's my favorite US pictures - the doctor gave us 7 but these were the best and the only ones where you could really see anything

Funny story:
My doctor is obsessed with baby feet. The entire US, she kept telling us that our baby has the cutest feet ever and she kept squealing with excitement (unprofessional? maybe. But it was SO nice seeing her excited about our baby rather than it being "just another normal day at work"). Every time baby would put it's foot out, which was non-stop, she would snap a picture. At the end as we were walking out, she told me to hide the pictures before I left the room because she was really only supposed to give me 2, but since my baby had such cute feet, she couldn't help herself. Made me grin! 

And finally, my dad is so excited about baby. He's been waiting rather impatiently to announce it from the pulpit of his church and calls me all the time to check on me and baby. He's busy making plans and giving advice - I love it! My mom is equally excited, but no surprise there! And the uncle-to-be is apparently obsessed with baby as well. This is gonna be one very very loved baby. 



  1. LOL. She was obsessed with baby feet! That makes me laugh, literally.

    And... hi. I'm Nicole (from BB).

    Your pictures are ADORABLE, and I am glad we get to be August mommies together!

    1. I just saw your comment! Hi! And thank you :) Yay for August mommies!
